Deem Roads Trading Co. is a registered company established in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. The company was conceived by Abdul Aziz Abdullah al Quraini by sharing his dream with a group of highly experienced engineers and management professionals expertise on the field of Asphalt paving, Aggregates and Subbase Supply, Transportation, Infrastructure Development & Engineering.
We Believe, Honesty and Integrity Shall be Instilled in Every job.
To Become the World's Premier Construcion Company.
Be The Most Preferred Company Through Quality of Service.
Our services encompass design, development, construction, production, operation and maintenance.
We are specialized in making Tollways and Expressways with International Standards and Quality.
Our high end technology and equipments makes the highways and arterials with a short pan of time.
We made local roads to feel the locals that they are not moving in a local road as never before.
Access roads and Haul Roads are the challenges for a company to make the standard roads rapidly.
Underground passage ways are to be constructed with utmost care and all safety measures.
Excavations and Fillings are the base works for a Road project. Hence we always make it perfectly for a perfect road.
We deliver the products that meets your requirment and standards through out the project.
Partners in Business is like bitumen and aggreagates in asphalt. We belive they are essential part of the game and we are delighted in it.
You are not just client for Us. You are the most inestimable in our business. Never hesitate to contact us.